The devil is in the detail...
I am an adept freelance marketing professional with twenty years of proven experience solving growth challenges for the world’s most disruptive and market-leading IT brands. Now working as a freelance and outsourced Fractional CMO for tech companies (both large and small).
Here, you will find clear examples of my outsourced services, plus a selection of assignments I have delivered for various clients, leveraging my skills and experience to produce demonstrable value.
If you have an upcoming marketing project or a temporary skills gap in your marketing team, book a call!
The Light Bringer
An explanation behind the name may surprise you. Despite the normal associations, Lucifer is the ancient Latin name for the morning appearance of the planet Venus. The original translation is “light bringer” and was often personified in ancient Roman art as a male figure bearing a torch.
Don’t sell the products you have. Sell the problem you solve
There is no secret sauce to successful marketing. But one advice I give is to “find a need and fill it”. Instead of promoting how your product is the; newest, fastest, biggest, etc. Ruthlessly research your target market and address a business need that solves their problem.